Inspection and monitoring of underwater structures has always been a challenge for power plants with submerged cooling system structures, mainly due to those structures' inherent inaccessibility. Commercial divers and remotely…
Technical, legal, and regulatory articles on water-related topics for power plants: cooling, wastewater, intake, chemistry, purge water, and once-through systems
Inspection and monitoring of underwater structures has always been a challenge for power plants with submerged cooling system structures, mainly due to those structures' inherent inaccessibility. Commercial divers and remotely…
Organic compounds pioneered boiler water chemical treatment when lignosulfonates derived from oak bark were used to minimize calcium carbonate scaling. Today's organic boiler treatment methods include the addition of neutralizing…
Desalination, Italian style Reverse osmosis (RO) technology has been available for all aspects of water treatment for the past 40 years. The use of RO desalination systems grew rapidly following…
The Valley of the Sun went off the water wagon on March 4, ending a record 136 consecutive days without measurable rainfall. That first 0.05-inch sip, followed by a 0.18-inch…
Aquatic organisms in the cooling water of power plants can be injured or killed if they impinge on screens or entrain through the circulating water system. Thermal power plants can…