Delivering the Best-Fit Ultrafiltration Technologies for Customers' Diverse Water and Sustainability Challenges WILMINGTON, Del., Feb. 14, 2023 /PRNewswire-PRWeb/ -- To better serve municipal and industrial customers, DuPont is consolidating and…
Technical, legal, and regulatory articles on water-related topics for power plants: cooling, wastewater, intake, chemistry, purge water, and once-through systems

Technology advances for heat recovery steam generators (HRSGs) at power plants continue to provide higher efficiency, with major gains recognized in natural gas–fired and cogeneration systems in recent years. A…

Managers are constantly battling to improve efficiency and become more sustainable. Having effective asset management tools can help decision-makers visualize what’s working well and what isn’t, so fixes can be…

The Biden administration has rolled out in a final what it says is a “durable” definition of “waters of the U.S.” (WOTUS), potentially capping a legal and political battle that…

Every month, POWER magazine publishes several articles in its Global Monitor section covering topics important to the electric power generation industry. The articles typically feature interesting updates on progress made…

It’s always difficult to select winners from the field of nominations submitted to POWER for its annual awards, and this year was no exception. The Wudongde Hydropower Station was the…

A nearly two-day-long boil water order that shuttered schools and businesses and affected as many as 2.2 million customers in Houston—the nation's fourth-largest city—was caused by a power outage stemming…

The rise and rapid adoption of the circular economy—a systems solution framework that seeks to keep materials, products, and services in circulation for as long as possible—is triggering an interesting…

While hydropower provides about 16% of global electricity generation today, climate change is predicted to drive various changes in hydrology that could translate into a spectrum of risks for hydropower…

Again, this year, Experience POWER will be co-located with the Distributed Energy Conference (DEC) and HydrogeNext, giving attendees the opportunity to learn from and network with trailblazers from the power…