Combined Solar Technologies (CST) has designed, built, owns, and operates a water purification system located at the Musco Family Olive Co. facility in Tracy, Calif., that burns olive pits to…
Long-time POWER readers may remember Marmaduke Surfaceblow, a fictional character whose engineering escapades were brilliantly portrayed in hundreds of stories published within POWER magazine’s pages over more than 30 years beginning in 1948. Today, the story continues through Marmy’s granddaughter, Marnie, who is an engineering wiz in her own right.
Combined Solar Technologies (CST) has designed, built, owns, and operates a water purification system located at the Musco Family Olive Co. facility in Tracy, Calif., that burns olive pits to…
“Bilgewater on dedications,” roared Marmaduke Surfaceblow in his foghorn voice. “I’ll tell you armchair engineers about a dedication that almost turned out to be the plant’s requiem.” This blast took…
Steve Elonka began chronicling the exploits of Marmaduke Surfaceblow—a six-foot-four marine engineer with a steel brush mustache and a foghorn voice—in POWER in 1948, when Marmy raised the wooden mast…
Steve Elonka began chronicling the exploits of Marmaduke Surfaceblow—a six-foot-four marine engineer with a steel brush mustache and a foghorn voice—in POWER in 1948, when Marmaduke raised the wooden mast…
Steve Elonka began chronicling the exploits of Marmaduke Surfaceblow — a six-foot-four marine engineer with a steel brush mustache and a foghorn voice — in POWER in 1948, when he…
The ultimate power plant maintenance effort is a repowering project. This year’s Marmaduke Award winner demonstrates that sometimes the most creative solutions to repowering projects can be achieved by small…
Motorists driving along Interstate Highway 83 usually turned their heads for an instant as they zoomed passed Cloverville, Pennsylvania. Their attention was attracted by the tall, square brick chimney that…
Public Service of New Hampshire (PSNH), the only regulated utility in New England that still owns its generating assets, commissioned the Northern Wood Power Project (NWPP) at its existing Schiller…
Watching the submarine Nautilus come up the Hudson River from my 26th-floor window put a few mental gears into motion. For one thing, I was suddenly back at sea again.…
Gencos selling into the wholesale market in Texas are no longer primarily responsible for the reliability of supply. In that deregulated market, responsibility for reliability has been largely transferred to…