POWER Professional Partners have made a commitment to provide service, content, and media visibility with POWER. The POWER Professional Partner program is designed to help connect POWERS’s audience by highlighting the products and services of companies dedicated to improving the talent development industry. You can find POWER Professional Partner information featured in POWER Magazine, online at POWERMAG.org, and at various POWER events throughout the year. Please check back, this page will update throughout the year with new information and Professional Partners ready to help your organization succeed!
Proper Electrical Analysis of Power and Energy Systems Drives Safe, Reliable Operation
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| Jan 7 2014
[caption id="attachment_31" align="alignleft" width="251"] Eldeiry, NadarElectrical Supervisor, Analysis, ENERCON[/caption] Complex system operability and reliability demands a broad range of electrical engineering analysis and design services to support facility operations for…
Welcome to Hach
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| Jan 6 2014
With over 60 years as the leading expert in water quality analysis, you can trust Hach to address your unique needs for the following water applications throughout your entire power…
Hach Virtual Power Plant
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| Aug 14 2013
What's New To help find what you need, Hach has created a Virtual Power Plant providing you with the latest information that allows you to search by process, parameter, or product type.
Germany’s Energy Transition Experiment
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| May 8 2013
A comprehensive legislative package passed by Germany’s federal cabinet and its bicameral legislature (comprising the Bundesrat, the federal council, and the Bundestag, the federal parliament) in the summer following Japan’s…
Application Note: A fresh look at power quality basics
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| Apr 26 2013
Understanding the fundamentals of how power quality issues affect the plant, how to detect them, and how to make them go away If the quality of the electricity your plant…
Application Note: The Cost of Poor Power Quality
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| Apr 26 2013
Productivity is the key to survival in today’s globally competitive environment. When you think about the basic inputs to production—time, labor, and materials—you can see there isn’t much room for…
Welcome to Fluke
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| Apr 22 2013