Good Things Come in Smaller Packages Standard Xchange, a Xylem brand, is pleased to announce the addition of two new compact, low-cost, high-energy efficiency models to its Plateflow® line of gasketed plate and frame heat exchangers. Through advanced engineering and high-efficiency technology, Standard Xchange High Energy Efficiency Plateflow® Gasketed Plate and Frame Heat Exchangers deliver increased heat transfer performance…

Coal ash, or coal combustion residuals (CCRs), is the second-largest waste material in the U.S., just behind household garbage. The safe and sustainable management of coal ash poses one of…

A WORLD-FIRST COAL FIRED POWER PLANT APPLICATION FOR FLYGT CONCERTOR Challenge Operators of one of the largest coal-fired power plants in the U.S. based in Michigan were looking for an…
From hydro to geothermal to nuclear to coal, water plays a crucial role in power generation. And regardless of where you are in the value chain or what type of […]

Is dual-containment pipe leak detection or effluent compliance keeping you awake at night? There are smart, sustainable solutions to save time and money. Regulators, investors, media, and the general public—as…
Given today’s challenging regulatory and economic landscape, the power generation industry is placing increased emphasis on sustainability goals and energy efficiency, as well as having to do more with less […]

When maintenance is required on permanently installed fire protection equipment, it can jeopardize safety. One nuclear power station added additional fire pumps to ensure plant needs could be met under…
Large capacity vertical turbine, multistage ring section and double suction centrifugal pumps solve for power generation applications RYE BROOK, N.Y., (Dec. 12, 2019) – Xylem is helping the power generation…

Total suspended solids probe can help coal-fired power plants reduce compliance risks and avoid additional sampling. Water plays an essential role in coal ash remediation, but managing that process often…